Lancaster – Reading Team Trivia Clues 6-5-18 to 6-6-18

Evil Monkey Family GuyEvil Monkey Family Guy

Weekly Trivia Clues
Lancaster Trivia Night at Lancaster American Legion 1388 Arcadia St Lancaster PA – Tuesday 6:00 PM-8:30 WRITTEN Trivia

Reading Trivia Night at 5th St Applebees, Reading PA Wednesday Nights 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM Text Trivia

Huge come-back in the 80’s then nothing….
Maybe he needs “Dancing with the Stars” and Nutri-System like his sister to bring him back to fame!

Image result for songs in the key of life
Sir Duke about who?

Jurassic world indominus rex v2 by sonichedgehog2-d9j1f9q
Indominous Rex from Jurassic World

Bonus Questions on music artists on TV,  movie awards, and top songs of the year .

 Name That Tune Songs in each round!

THEME for music in last round to get a possible 10 bonus points.  All songs have 2 things in common.. Very specific Level of success and time period?